Amazing Stories


Amazing Stories is excited to announce the launch of a brand new, weekly series of science fiction stories. These tales of the extraordinary and the impossible will be first released exclusively to our Patreon subscribers, before being shared free with the wider world on our website two weeks later.

Our goal is to feature works from writers who are passionate about inspiring readers with both real science and real people. We are looking for stories that not only entertain but also encourage readers to reflect on and critique contemporary society. These stories should, at times, address significant topics such as social norms, religion, nationalism, racism, politics, and various forms of sexism, all within a science fiction context. A sense of humor is often welcome. We want to publish writing that is both thought-provoking and enjoyable to read.

Science Fiction can be a powerful tool for both exploring the future and for imagining the kinds of futures we might like to live in.  Join us and help us create the future!

We’ll be paying $20 for a short story, or longer, and $10 for flash fiction, reprints, and poetry. Read our guidelines for more information on how to submit!